Today's pertinent question was: when do two odd socks make a pair?
We all know the law of the wash - as Eddie Izzard once said we have to sacrifice a sock to the God of Washing. So we may put only pairs of socks into the washing machine but once they are clean and dry there will, invariably, be an odd sock. Search as you may you cannot find the other sock.
So it gets put into the "odd sock drawer". A place where all odd socks lurk waiting for their long forgotten pair. They stay there, unloved and unused but nice and clean, just waiting. Patiently waiting. The drawer opens and they think "today is the day" but no more odd socks are added. Sometimes a sort out takes place and maybe a pairing is made or they are used as sock puppets - in a creative house with children maybe!
Upon looking through my odd sock drawer this morning I did manage to make some pairings but I also came to wonder when two odd socks could be put together to make a pair?
Do they have to be the same colour, have similar patterns, or is it best they are completely different? Does it matter in the slightest - maybe more to a woman than a man and probably not at all to a kid (in fact it is probably cool to where odd socks in the first place - which may explain a few things).....
So, what say you about the following pairs - are they a match or a no?
Let me know what you think and of course - what you do with your old/unloved/unpaired/unmatched socks
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