Take things day by day they say. Sometimes that can be a struggle. Taking things hour by hour also seems too difficult. I try to deal with things as they come along and so today I thought I'd blog about my first thought when I wake:
Always: is it a weekend (no work, time with family and friends)? If not then I know I need to battle with myself to get out of bed.
I know everyone hates getting up. For me it isn't so much that I hate it it's more that I just cannot seem to do it as I know what lies ahead: another day.
If I get up I have to accept the fact I need to shower and get dressed, get Eliza up and dressed, drop her off and go to work, all before I can come home again to my place of "safety".
The task of what I am going to wear overwhelms me sometimes and I cannot get out of bed without having a clear plan of action. If a chosen garment isn't clean then my plan crumbles and so do I. Silly isn't it? How can something so small affect my day?
I get Eliza dressed everyday and most days this is simple. Apart from when she knows best and I have to argue the toss with her about what to wear. Sometime I give in and leave her to it. I cannot do that with me. I used to get my clothes out the night before but that has slipped. Maybe I need to do that again and I will be able to get out of bed with more ease.
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