Sometimes I think I have got it all together and that I am going to be OK. Other times I find myself crying as I am driving along. And there are times like now I can feel my stomach churning and my entire body shouting "I'm not ready yet". I have had the pragmatic conversations. We have spoken wills and funeral services. I have even looked at coffins and scatter tubes. I know where Mum wants her ashes to be scattered and the type of hymns she likes. I have asked if I could read a poem and if my daughter can attend. I can do all of this but I cannot accept that it is going to happen. I can say that Mum has had a good life and had the opportunity to travel. That we, as a family, have had more years than we thought we would be graced with. Never did we imagine Mum could fight off the MS as she has done. Never in a million years did we see this happening and am I ready for it? Am I heck as like. I feel like I hav...
The meanderings and wafflings of my mind. @luluslr @luluslrblogs