Take every day as it comes. Grief is consuming - just like love. In fact many quotes state that grief is, in fact, love in a new form. We walk our own paths and just ask for your support along the way. I don't know where this path leads and how I am meant to deal with it, what I need to equip myself with. I have the love of my family and friends and the possibility of counselling. I have a million tears and all the time in the world. I have a long journey ahead and I am not sure it comes to an end, maybe I stumble less, along the way. I have really angry days. Days where everything irritates me. Days where everything reminds me. Days I feel numb. Days I feel sad. Days I cry. Days I laugh. Days I pretend. Your caring doesn't go unnoticed - I love you for every smile and kind word you say or send. The hugs. Thank you for joining me on my journey - my expedition party.
The meanderings and wafflings of my mind. @luluslr @luluslrblogs