The dreaded loom bands. What have they got to do with depression you ask?
Not a lot really. Or do they?
We often need to be doing something to take our minds off of what has been filling our heads. These are a great opportunity to get a bit creative without having to leave the house (you can even order them online).
They are also a great family activity. Everyone can have a go and it is an activity that keeps kids quiet and amused for a good length of time. Offering you some much needed peace and quiet!
I also found it quite therapeutic. The repetitive action but the ability to make something pretty. The fact that it gets you involved so easily. The whole family were soon YouTubing videos on what we could do next.
It isn't expensive and it isn't messy. Yes those darn little things get everywhere but it's not paint or play dough or moon sand!
Lastly I made a rainbow band for my daughter for a special reason. We lost our beloved dog last year and we often talk about him. When we see a rainbow we rush outside to wave hello because we know he lives at Rainbow Bridge and rainbows are how he tells us he is thinking of us. So the rainbow band is for Eliza so she can look at it and think of him. When she misses him she can remind herself of the memories. And furthermore know that he is always there.
So maybe loom bands do have a place in my blog after all!
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