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Mum's Got Cancer; Part Seven

So we have discussed the ins and outs of your funeral.  

We have spoken about the type of coffin you want (you said willow originally and now seem happy with a cardboard one).  In fact Googling them became quite a fun thing to do - so many to choose from.  I have even chosen my own and Alex his (I wonder if there is a bulk option or maybe we can buy flat-packed and store for later use)?  I know you want to be scattered so I am ready to order your scatter tube.

I have even looked at Ashes in to Glass - so that we can each have a special "something" to remember you by.

We have spoken of readings and hymns.  And ministers.  We haven't spoken flowers or donations but I am sure that is yet to come.

We have spoken about how I can let people know of your death and how I am NOT to use the word passed or passing at any point as you really don't like that.

I don't like the phrase "lost their fight" or "given up their fight".

So what to say when the time comes?  You have asked me to tell those on Facebook but what about those that are not'?  Do people still use papers - do you want people to know?

I can't believe I am writing this and having to think about this but I am forty and I have had the luxury of having you as my mother for all that time and as such I can call myself lucky.

Thank you Mum x


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